empathy gene
herb robertson – trumpet, keyboard, other
phil haynes – percussion
jim yanda – guitar
From the brilliant corners of the collective artistic psyche, Empathy Gene takes us on a sonic journey of discovery that surprises, haunts, and transforms.
Listen to Empathy Gene’s CD A Silent Way
Inspired by shaman sound traveler Clarence “Herb” Robertson, and brought into sharp focus by Ritual Music explorers Phil Haynes and Jim Yanda, this “quiet to riotous” trio takes us to unexpected and exquisite musical worlds. They breathe life into subconscious traditions that facilitate knowing home and our human community for the first time.
Like Davis or Coleman before him – who jumped from acoustic to electronic universes – Jim Yanda both sheds his idiomatic clothing for Empathy Gene and births fresh acoustic expression as he and his cohorts revel in true independent unity. – CornerStoreJazz
Empathy Gene – A Silent Way – Disk 1
- Voyager Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda
- Search Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda
- Spirits Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda
- Conciousness Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda
- Questions Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda
Empathy Gene – A Silent Way – Disk 2
- Jungle Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda
- Nocturnal Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda
- A Silent Way Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda
- Possession Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda
- Meta Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda
- Shaman Herb Robertson, Phil Haynes, Jim Yanda

Purchase this CD at Corner Store Jazz
jimyanda.com herbrobertson.com philhaynes.com jonrosenbergengineer.com
nick horner cornerstorejazz.com ardeomusic.com improvisers empathygene.us